NEXT WORKSHOP: CLAWGRASS or BLUEHAMMER: A Downpicker’s Guide To Bluegrass Jamming
DATE: March 6, 2019 at 11am Eastern time
LEVEL: Late Beginner to Advanced
WORKSHOP – “CLAWGRASS or BLUEHAMMER: A Downpicker’s Guide To Bluegrass Jamming”
Workshop Description
Can you play clawhammer banjo in a bluegrass jam?
Of course you can, and you should!
Clawhammer banjo sounds great with bluegrass music, and bluegrass musicians welcome the different sound. After all, there’s only so much piercing twangity twanging fingerpicked banjo one can take!
But of course, you’ll get the most out of the experience with a bit of advance preparation.
In this workshop, things you’ll learn include:
- The etiquette of a bluegrass jam
- What to do when it’s your time to “solo”
- Simple tricks and techniques for improvising “on the fly”
- How to emulate Scruggs style licks clawhammer style
- How to get a bluegrass tone from the banjo
- Songs and tunes you may already know that work well
About the Workshops and the Brainjo Virtual Classroom
Q: What are the Brainjo Workshops?
A: Based on the Brainjo Method of instruction, they are live, interactive workshops covering common topics in clawhammer banjo, with a primary focus on subjects that players commonly struggle with, or that are oftentimes neglected in traditional banjo instruction.
Q: How do I attend the workshop?
A: There are two ways to attend the workshop.
FIRST WAY – The workshops are included as part of membership to the Breakthrough Banjo course (membership is $7 for the first month, $21 per month thereafter).
Existing members of Breakthrough Banjo will find a link to the workshop directly on the Member home page.
SECOND WAY – Non-members may also register for a one-time price of $25 (with a full money-back guarantee).
Q: How does it work?
A: If you are a member of the Breakthrough Banjo course, you will find the schedule and the link to the Brainjo Virtual Classroom (where the workshop is held) at the top of your Member Home page. Videos and supplemental materials for all past workshops will also be available on the course workshop page. If you are non-member and register for a single workshop, you will receive the supplemental materials for the workshop (tabs, etc.) prior to the lesson. You will then receive a link to the workshop on the day of the event. Upon completion of the workshop, you will continue to have access to the video and supplemental materials after the conclusion of the workshop.
Q: Will this be live?
A: Yes! The workshop will be live via video. You will have the opportunity to ask questions during the workshop.
Q: What if I can’t attend live?
A: As mentioned, the video of the workshop will remain accessible to all participants after its completion (including Breakthrough Banjo members). You will also receive the supplemental materials and be able to ask questions in advance.
Past Workshops
Future Workshops
To see the schedule of workshops, click the button below: