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Admit it, you don’t really know what a Chinquapin is.
Nonetheless, after listening to this rousing fiddle tune, you’ll surely be all fired up to go and hunt one!
Imagine your disappointment when you realize a Chinquapin is a nut. A nut from the Chinquapin tree. Technically speaking, a Chinquapin could refer to either.
Regardless, hunting one makes no sense.
Maybe “Chinquapin Gathering,” but that’s too sedate a title for this jamburner (the antithesis of a “jambuster”) of a tune, one guaranteed to whip folks into a frenzy.
There are at least a couple different tunes by this name in existence, and they bear little relationship to each other. I guess the name was so good they figured they’d make two of em.
This version, which turns up most often at jams, comes from fiddler Norman Edmonds (the source for several great jamburners).
Chinquapin Hunting
aEAC#E tuning, Brainjo level 3-4
Notes on the tab:
Notes in parentheses are “skip” notes. To learn more about these, check out my video lesson on the subject.
For more on reading tabs in general, check out this complete guide to reading banjo tabs.
Level 2 arrangements and video demos for the Tune (and Song!) of the Week tunes are now available as part of the Breakthrough Banjo course. Learn more about it here.
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