“Banjo Breakthroughs” is a recurring series that features a Breakthrough Banjo course member whose using the course to make his or her way along the Timeline of Mastery.
Breaking Bad Habits, Learning Drop Thumb, and Mining “the Vault“
If this picture is any indication, Breakthrough Banjo member Ryne M. clearly knows how to have a good time:

Ryne was a few months into his clawhammer journey when he first signed up for the course. He first got to work unlearning some bad habits, citing learning “proper technique” as one of the immediate benefits of the course:
Incidentally, this idea that one should play “from the elbow” is a common misconception beginning players have – one that can not only lead to frustrated progress, but even pain, as Ryne can attest.
Dropping the Thumb At Last!
When asked specifically about the one thing he’d struggled with previously that the course allowed him to overcome? “Drop thumb,” he says (so far, this has been the most common answer to that question!).
After correcting some inefficient technique and finally getting down drop thumb, he’s now making fast progress:
Mining “the Vault”
And what’s his favorite part of the course?
Thanks so much to Ryne for sharing his experience inside the Breakthrough Banjo course.
As he mentions, The Vault, a.k.a. the ever-expanding Ultimate Clawhammer Song and Tune Library, has become his favorite part of the course. Click here to see the current list of songs and tunes available inside of it.
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